/*! * Jarallax v2.1.3 (https://github.com/nk-o/jarallax) * Copyright 2022 nK * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/nk-o/jarallax/blob/master/LICENSE) */ 'use strict'; var defaults$1 = { // Base parallax options. type: 'scroll', speed: 0.5, containerClass: 'jarallax-container', imgSrc: null, imgElement: '.jarallax-img', imgSize: 'cover', imgPosition: '50% 50%', imgRepeat: 'no-repeat', keepImg: false, elementInViewport: null, zIndex: -100, disableParallax: false, // Callbacks. onScroll: null, onInit: null, onDestroy: null, onCoverImage: null, // Video options. videoClass: 'jarallax-video', videoSrc: null, videoStartTime: 0, videoEndTime: 0, videoVolume: 0, videoLoop: true, videoPlayOnlyVisible: true, videoLazyLoading: true, disableVideo: false, // Video callbacks. onVideoInsert: null, onVideoWorkerInit: null }; /* eslint-disable import/no-mutable-exports */ /* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals */ let win$1; if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { win$1 = window; } else if (typeof global !== 'undefined') { win$1 = global; } else if (typeof self !== 'undefined') { win$1 = self; } else { win$1 = {}; } var global$2 = win$1; /** * Add styles to element. * * @param {Element} el - element. * @param {String|Object} styles - styles list. * * @returns {Element} */ function css(el, styles) { if (typeof styles === 'string') { return global$2.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue(styles); } Object.keys(styles).forEach(key => { el.style[key] = styles[key]; }); return el; } /** * Extend like jQuery.extend * * @param {Object} out - output object. * @param {...any} args - additional objects to extend. * * @returns {Object} */ function extend$1(out, ...args) { out = out || {}; Object.keys(args).forEach(i => { if (!args[i]) { return; } Object.keys(args[i]).forEach(key => { out[key] = args[i][key]; }); }); return out; } /** * Get all parents of the element. * * @param {Element} elem - DOM element. * * @returns {Array} */ function getParents(elem) { const parents = []; while (elem.parentElement !== null) { elem = elem.parentElement; if (elem.nodeType === 1) { parents.push(elem); } } return parents; } /** * Document ready callback. * @param {Function} callback - callback will be fired once Document ready. */ function ready(callback) { if (document.readyState === 'complete' || document.readyState === 'interactive') { // Already ready or interactive, execute callback callback(); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', callback, { capture: true, once: true, passive: true }); } } const { navigator: navigator$1 } = global$2; const mobileAgent = /*#__PURE__*/ /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator$1.userAgent); function isMobile() { return mobileAgent; } let wndW; let wndH; let $deviceHelper; /** * The most popular mobile browsers changes height after page scroll and this generates image jumping. * We can fix it using this workaround with vh units. */ function getDeviceHeight() { if (!$deviceHelper && document.body) { $deviceHelper = document.createElement('div'); $deviceHelper.style.cssText = 'position: fixed; top: -9999px; left: 0; height: 100vh; width: 0;'; document.body.appendChild($deviceHelper); } return ($deviceHelper ? $deviceHelper.clientHeight : 0) || global$2.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight; } function updateWindowHeight() { wndW = global$2.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; if (isMobile()) { wndH = getDeviceHeight(); } else { wndH = global$2.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight; } } updateWindowHeight(); global$2.addEventListener('resize', updateWindowHeight); global$2.addEventListener('orientationchange', updateWindowHeight); global$2.addEventListener('load', updateWindowHeight); ready(() => { updateWindowHeight(); }); function getWindowSize() { return { width: wndW, height: wndH }; } // List with all jarallax instances // need to render all in one scroll/resize event. const jarallaxList = []; function updateParallax() { if (!jarallaxList.length) { return; } const { width: wndW, height: wndH } = getWindowSize(); jarallaxList.forEach((data, k) => { const { instance, oldData } = data; if (!instance.isVisible()) { return; } const clientRect = instance.$item.getBoundingClientRect(); const newData = { width: clientRect.width, height: clientRect.height, top: clientRect.top, bottom: clientRect.bottom, wndW, wndH }; const isResized = !oldData || oldData.wndW !== newData.wndW || oldData.wndH !== newData.wndH || oldData.width !== newData.width || oldData.height !== newData.height; const isScrolled = isResized || !oldData || oldData.top !== newData.top || oldData.bottom !== newData.bottom; jarallaxList[k].oldData = newData; if (isResized) { instance.onResize(); } if (isScrolled) { instance.onScroll(); } }); global$2.requestAnimationFrame(updateParallax); } const visibilityObserver = /*#__PURE__*/new global$2.IntersectionObserver(entries => { entries.forEach(entry => { entry.target.jarallax.isElementInViewport = entry.isIntersecting; }); }, { // We have to start parallax calculation before the block is in view // to prevent possible parallax jumping. rootMargin: '50px' }); function addObserver(instance) { jarallaxList.push({ instance }); if (jarallaxList.length === 1) { global$2.requestAnimationFrame(updateParallax); } visibilityObserver.observe(instance.options.elementInViewport || instance.$item); } function removeObserver(instance) { jarallaxList.forEach((data, key) => { if (data.instance.instanceID === instance.instanceID) { jarallaxList.splice(key, 1); } }); visibilityObserver.unobserve(instance.options.elementInViewport || instance.$item); } /* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */ const { navigator } = global$2; let instanceID = 0; // Jarallax class class Jarallax { constructor(item, userOptions) { const self = this; self.instanceID = instanceID; instanceID += 1; self.$item = item; self.defaults = { ...defaults$1 }; // prepare data-options const dataOptions = self.$item.dataset || {}; const pureDataOptions = {}; Object.keys(dataOptions).forEach(key => { const lowerCaseOption = key.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() + key.substr(1); if (lowerCaseOption && typeof self.defaults[lowerCaseOption] !== 'undefined') { pureDataOptions[lowerCaseOption] = dataOptions[key]; } }); self.options = self.extend({}, self.defaults, pureDataOptions, userOptions); self.pureOptions = self.extend({}, self.options); // prepare 'true' and 'false' strings to boolean Object.keys(self.options).forEach(key => { if (self.options[key] === 'true') { self.options[key] = true; } else if (self.options[key] === 'false') { self.options[key] = false; } }); // fix speed option [-1.0, 2.0] self.options.speed = Math.min(2, Math.max(-1, parseFloat(self.options.speed))); // prepare disableParallax callback if (typeof self.options.disableParallax === 'string') { self.options.disableParallax = new RegExp(self.options.disableParallax); } if (self.options.disableParallax instanceof RegExp) { const disableParallaxRegexp = self.options.disableParallax; self.options.disableParallax = () => disableParallaxRegexp.test(navigator.userAgent); } if (typeof self.options.disableParallax !== 'function') { self.options.disableParallax = () => false; } // prepare disableVideo callback if (typeof self.options.disableVideo === 'string') { self.options.disableVideo = new RegExp(self.options.disableVideo); } if (self.options.disableVideo instanceof RegExp) { const disableVideoRegexp = self.options.disableVideo; self.options.disableVideo = () => disableVideoRegexp.test(navigator.userAgent); } if (typeof self.options.disableVideo !== 'function') { self.options.disableVideo = () => false; } // custom element to check if parallax in viewport let elementInVP = self.options.elementInViewport; // get first item from array if (elementInVP && typeof elementInVP === 'object' && typeof elementInVP.length !== 'undefined') { [elementInVP] = elementInVP; } // check if dom element if (!(elementInVP instanceof Element)) { elementInVP = null; } self.options.elementInViewport = elementInVP; self.image = { src: self.options.imgSrc || null, $container: null, useImgTag: false, // 1. Position fixed is needed for the most of browsers because absolute position have glitches // 2. On MacOS with smooth scroll there is a huge lags with absolute position - https://github.com/nk-o/jarallax/issues/75 // 3. Previously used 'absolute' for mobile devices. But we re-tested on iPhone 12 and 'fixed' position is working better, then 'absolute', so for now position is always 'fixed' position: 'fixed' }; if (self.initImg() && self.canInitParallax()) { self.init(); } } css(el, styles) { return css(el, styles); } extend(out, ...args) { return extend$1(out, ...args); } // get window size and scroll position. Useful for extensions getWindowData() { const { width, height } = getWindowSize(); return { width, height, y: document.documentElement.scrollTop }; } // Jarallax functions initImg() { const self = this; // find image element let $imgElement = self.options.imgElement; if ($imgElement && typeof $imgElement === 'string') { $imgElement = self.$item.querySelector($imgElement); } // check if dom element if (!($imgElement instanceof Element)) { if (self.options.imgSrc) { $imgElement = new Image(); $imgElement.src = self.options.imgSrc; } else { $imgElement = null; } } if ($imgElement) { if (self.options.keepImg) { self.image.$item = $imgElement.cloneNode(true); } else { self.image.$item = $imgElement; self.image.$itemParent = $imgElement.parentNode; } self.image.useImgTag = true; } // true if there is img tag if (self.image.$item) { return true; } // get image src if (self.image.src === null) { self.image.src = ''; self.image.bgImage = self.css(self.$item, 'background-image'); } return !(!self.image.bgImage || self.image.bgImage === 'none'); } canInitParallax() { return !this.options.disableParallax(); } init() { const self = this; const containerStyles = { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%', overflow: 'hidden' }; let imageStyles = { pointerEvents: 'none', transformStyle: 'preserve-3d', backfaceVisibility: 'hidden' }; if (!self.options.keepImg) { // save default user styles const curStyle = self.$item.getAttribute('style'); if (curStyle) { self.$item.setAttribute('data-jarallax-original-styles', curStyle); } if (self.image.useImgTag) { const curImgStyle = self.image.$item.getAttribute('style'); if (curImgStyle) { self.image.$item.setAttribute('data-jarallax-original-styles', curImgStyle); } } } // set relative position and z-index to the parent if (self.css(self.$item, 'position') === 'static') { self.css(self.$item, { position: 'relative' }); } if (self.css(self.$item, 'z-index') === 'auto') { self.css(self.$item, { zIndex: 0 }); } // container for parallax image self.image.$container = document.createElement('div'); self.css(self.image.$container, containerStyles); self.css(self.image.$container, { 'z-index': self.options.zIndex }); // it will remove some image overlapping // overlapping occur due to an image position fixed inside absolute position element // needed only when background in fixed position if (this.image.position === 'fixed') { self.css(self.image.$container, { '-webkit-clip-path': 'polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%)', 'clip-path': 'polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%)' }); } // Add container unique ID. self.image.$container.setAttribute('id', `jarallax-container-${self.instanceID}`); // Add container class. if (self.options.containerClass) { self.image.$container.setAttribute('class', self.options.containerClass); } self.$item.appendChild(self.image.$container); // use img tag if (self.image.useImgTag) { imageStyles = self.extend({ 'object-fit': self.options.imgSize, 'object-position': self.options.imgPosition, 'max-width': 'none' }, containerStyles, imageStyles); // use div with background image } else { self.image.$item = document.createElement('div'); if (self.image.src) { imageStyles = self.extend({ 'background-position': self.options.imgPosition, 'background-size': self.options.imgSize, 'background-repeat': self.options.imgRepeat, 'background-image': self.image.bgImage || `url("${self.image.src}")` }, containerStyles, imageStyles); } } if (self.options.type === 'opacity' || self.options.type === 'scale' || self.options.type === 'scale-opacity' || self.options.speed === 1) { self.image.position = 'absolute'; } // 1. Check if one of parents have transform style (without this check, scroll transform will be inverted if used parallax with position fixed) // discussion - https://github.com/nk-o/jarallax/issues/9 // 2. Check if parents have overflow scroll if (self.image.position === 'fixed') { const $parents = getParents(self.$item).filter(el => { const styles = global$2.getComputedStyle(el); const parentTransform = styles['-webkit-transform'] || styles['-moz-transform'] || styles.transform; const overflowRegex = /(auto|scroll)/; return parentTransform && parentTransform !== 'none' || overflowRegex.test(styles.overflow + styles['overflow-y'] + styles['overflow-x']); }); self.image.position = $parents.length ? 'absolute' : 'fixed'; } // add position to parallax block imageStyles.position = self.image.position; // insert parallax image self.css(self.image.$item, imageStyles); self.image.$container.appendChild(self.image.$item); // set initial position and size self.onResize(); self.onScroll(true); // call onInit event if (self.options.onInit) { self.options.onInit.call(self); } // remove default user background if (self.css(self.$item, 'background-image') !== 'none') { self.css(self.$item, { 'background-image': 'none' }); } addObserver(self); } destroy() { const self = this; removeObserver(self); // return styles on container as before jarallax init const originalStylesTag = self.$item.getAttribute('data-jarallax-original-styles'); self.$item.removeAttribute('data-jarallax-original-styles'); // null occurs if there is no style tag before jarallax init if (!originalStylesTag) { self.$item.removeAttribute('style'); } else { self.$item.setAttribute('style', originalStylesTag); } if (self.image.useImgTag) { // return styles on img tag as before jarallax init const originalStylesImgTag = self.image.$item.getAttribute('data-jarallax-original-styles'); self.image.$item.removeAttribute('data-jarallax-original-styles'); // null occurs if there is no style tag before jarallax init if (!originalStylesImgTag) { self.image.$item.removeAttribute('style'); } else { self.image.$item.setAttribute('style', originalStylesTag); } // move img tag to its default position if (self.image.$itemParent) { self.image.$itemParent.appendChild(self.image.$item); } } // remove additional dom elements if (self.image.$container) { self.image.$container.parentNode.removeChild(self.image.$container); } // call onDestroy event if (self.options.onDestroy) { self.options.onDestroy.call(self); } // delete jarallax from item delete self.$item.jarallax; } coverImage() { const self = this; const { height: wndH } = getWindowSize(); const rect = self.image.$container.getBoundingClientRect(); const contH = rect.height; const { speed } = self.options; const isScroll = self.options.type === 'scroll' || self.options.type === 'scroll-opacity'; let scrollDist = 0; let resultH = contH; let resultMT = 0; // scroll parallax if (isScroll) { // scroll distance and height for image if (speed < 0) { scrollDist = speed * Math.max(contH, wndH); if (wndH < contH) { scrollDist -= speed * (contH - wndH); } } else { scrollDist = speed * (contH + wndH); } // size for scroll parallax if (speed > 1) { resultH = Math.abs(scrollDist - wndH); } else if (speed < 0) { resultH = scrollDist / speed + Math.abs(scrollDist); } else { resultH += (wndH - contH) * (1 - speed); } scrollDist /= 2; } // store scroll distance self.parallaxScrollDistance = scrollDist; // vertical center if (isScroll) { resultMT = (wndH - resultH) / 2; } else { resultMT = (contH - resultH) / 2; } // apply result to item self.css(self.image.$item, { height: `${resultH}px`, marginTop: `${resultMT}px`, left: self.image.position === 'fixed' ? `${rect.left}px` : '0', width: `${rect.width}px` }); // call onCoverImage event if (self.options.onCoverImage) { self.options.onCoverImage.call(self); } // return some useful data. Used in the video cover function return { image: { height: resultH, marginTop: resultMT }, container: rect }; } isVisible() { return this.isElementInViewport || false; } onScroll(force) { const self = this; // stop calculations if item is not in viewport if (!force && !self.isVisible()) { return; } const { height: wndH } = getWindowSize(); const rect = self.$item.getBoundingClientRect(); const contT = rect.top; const contH = rect.height; const styles = {}; // calculate parallax helping variables const beforeTop = Math.max(0, contT); const beforeTopEnd = Math.max(0, contH + contT); const afterTop = Math.max(0, -contT); const beforeBottom = Math.max(0, contT + contH - wndH); const beforeBottomEnd = Math.max(0, contH - (contT + contH - wndH)); const afterBottom = Math.max(0, -contT + wndH - contH); const fromViewportCenter = 1 - 2 * ((wndH - contT) / (wndH + contH)); // calculate on how percent of section is visible let visiblePercent = 1; if (contH < wndH) { visiblePercent = 1 - (afterTop || beforeBottom) / contH; } else if (beforeTopEnd <= wndH) { visiblePercent = beforeTopEnd / wndH; } else if (beforeBottomEnd <= wndH) { visiblePercent = beforeBottomEnd / wndH; } // opacity if (self.options.type === 'opacity' || self.options.type === 'scale-opacity' || self.options.type === 'scroll-opacity') { styles.transform = 'translate3d(0,0,0)'; styles.opacity = visiblePercent; } // scale if (self.options.type === 'scale' || self.options.type === 'scale-opacity') { let scale = 1; if (self.options.speed < 0) { scale -= self.options.speed * visiblePercent; } else { scale += self.options.speed * (1 - visiblePercent); } styles.transform = `scale(${scale}) translate3d(0,0,0)`; } // scroll if (self.options.type === 'scroll' || self.options.type === 'scroll-opacity') { let positionY = self.parallaxScrollDistance * fromViewportCenter; // fix if parallax block in absolute position if (self.image.position === 'absolute') { positionY -= contT; } styles.transform = `translate3d(0,${positionY}px,0)`; } self.css(self.image.$item, styles); // call onScroll event if (self.options.onScroll) { self.options.onScroll.call(self, { section: rect, beforeTop, beforeTopEnd, afterTop, beforeBottom, beforeBottomEnd, afterBottom, visiblePercent, fromViewportCenter }); } } onResize() { this.coverImage(); } } // global definition const jarallax$1 = function (items, options, ...args) { // check for dom element // thanks: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/384286/javascript-isdom-how-do-you-check-if-a-javascript-object-is-a-dom-object if (typeof HTMLElement === 'object' ? items instanceof HTMLElement : items && typeof items === 'object' && items !== null && items.nodeType === 1 && typeof items.nodeName === 'string') { items = [items]; } const len = items.length; let k = 0; let ret; for (k; k < len; k += 1) { if (typeof options === 'object' || typeof options === 'undefined') { if (!items[k].jarallax) { items[k].jarallax = new Jarallax(items[k], options); } } else if (items[k].jarallax) { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-spread ret = items[k].jarallax[options].apply(items[k].jarallax, args); } if (typeof ret !== 'undefined') { return ret; } } return items; }; jarallax$1.constructor = Jarallax; /*! * Video Worker v2.1.5 (https://github.com/nk-o/video-worker) * Copyright 2022 nK * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/nk-o/video-worker/blob/master/LICENSE) */ /* eslint-disable import/no-mutable-exports */ /* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals */ let win; if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { win = window; } else if (typeof global !== 'undefined') { win = global; } else if (typeof self !== 'undefined') { win = self; } else { win = {}; } var global$1 = win; // Deferred // thanks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18096715/implement-deferred-object-without-using-jquery function Deferred() { this.doneCallbacks = []; this.failCallbacks = []; } Deferred.prototype = { execute(list, args) { let i = list.length; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign args = Array.prototype.slice.call(args); while (i) { i -= 1; list[i].apply(null, args); } }, resolve(...args) { this.execute(this.doneCallbacks, args); }, reject(...args) { this.execute(this.failCallbacks, args); }, done(callback) { this.doneCallbacks.push(callback); }, fail(callback) { this.failCallbacks.push(callback); } }; var defaults = { autoplay: false, loop: false, mute: false, volume: 100, showControls: true, accessibilityHidden: false, // start / end video time in seconds startTime: 0, endTime: 0 }; /** * Extend like jQuery.extend * * @param {Object} out - output object. * @param {...any} args - additional objects to extend. * * @returns {Object} */ function extend(out, ...args) { out = out || {}; Object.keys(args).forEach(i => { if (!args[i]) { return; } Object.keys(args[i]).forEach(key => { out[key] = args[i][key]; }); }); return out; } let ID = 0; let YoutubeAPIadded = 0; let VimeoAPIadded = 0; let loadingYoutubePlayer = 0; let loadingVimeoPlayer = 0; const loadingYoutubeDefer = /*#__PURE__*/new Deferred(); const loadingVimeoDefer = /*#__PURE__*/new Deferred(); class VideoWorker { constructor(url, options) { const self = this; self.url = url; self.options_default = { ...defaults }; self.options = extend({}, self.options_default, options); // check URL self.videoID = self.parseURL(url); // init if (self.videoID) { self.ID = ID; ID += 1; self.loadAPI(); self.init(); } } parseURL(url) { // parse youtube ID function getYoutubeID(ytUrl) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape const regExp = /.*(?:youtu.be\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|shorts\/|watch\?v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/; const match = ytUrl.match(regExp); return match && match[1].length === 11 ? match[1] : false; } // parse vimeo ID function getVimeoID(vmUrl) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape const regExp = /https?:\/\/(?:www\.|player\.)?vimeo.com\/(?:channels\/(?:\w+\/)?|groups\/([^/]*)\/videos\/|album\/(\d+)\/video\/|video\/|)(\d+)(?:$|\/|\?)/; const match = vmUrl.match(regExp); return match && match[3] ? match[3] : false; } // parse local string function getLocalVideos(locUrl) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape const videoFormats = locUrl.split(/,(?=mp4\:|webm\:|ogv\:|ogg\:)/); const result = {}; let ready = 0; videoFormats.forEach(val => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape const match = val.match(/^(mp4|webm|ogv|ogg)\:(.*)/); if (match && match[1] && match[2]) { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring result[match[1] === 'ogv' ? 'ogg' : match[1]] = match[2]; ready = 1; } }); return ready ? result : false; } const Youtube = getYoutubeID(url); const Vimeo = getVimeoID(url); const Local = getLocalVideos(url); if (Youtube) { this.type = 'youtube'; return Youtube; } if (Vimeo) { this.type = 'vimeo'; return Vimeo; } if (Local) { this.type = 'local'; return Local; } return false; } isValid() { return !!this.videoID; } // events on(name, callback) { this.userEventsList = this.userEventsList || []; // add new callback in events list (this.userEventsList[name] || (this.userEventsList[name] = [])).push(callback); } off(name, callback) { if (!this.userEventsList || !this.userEventsList[name]) { return; } if (!callback) { delete this.userEventsList[name]; } else { this.userEventsList[name].forEach((val, key) => { if (val === callback) { this.userEventsList[name][key] = false; } }); } } fire(name, ...args) { if (this.userEventsList && typeof this.userEventsList[name] !== 'undefined') { this.userEventsList[name].forEach(val => { // call with all arguments if (val) { val.apply(this, args); } }); } } play(start) { const self = this; if (!self.player) { return; } if (self.type === 'youtube' && self.player.playVideo) { if (typeof start !== 'undefined') { self.player.seekTo(start || 0); } if (global$1.YT.PlayerState.PLAYING !== self.player.getPlayerState()) { self.player.playVideo(); } } if (self.type === 'vimeo') { if (typeof start !== 'undefined') { self.player.setCurrentTime(start); } self.player.getPaused().then(paused => { if (paused) { self.player.play(); } }); } if (self.type === 'local') { if (typeof start !== 'undefined') { self.player.currentTime = start; } if (self.player.paused) { self.player.play(); } } } pause() { const self = this; if (!self.player) { return; } if (self.type === 'youtube' && self.player.pauseVideo) { if (global$1.YT.PlayerState.PLAYING === self.player.getPlayerState()) { self.player.pauseVideo(); } } if (self.type === 'vimeo') { self.player.getPaused().then(paused => { if (!paused) { self.player.pause(); } }); } if (self.type === 'local') { if (!self.player.paused) { self.player.pause(); } } } mute() { const self = this; if (!self.player) { return; } if (self.type === 'youtube' && self.player.mute) { self.player.mute(); } if (self.type === 'vimeo' && self.player.setVolume) { self.setVolume(0); } if (self.type === 'local') { self.$video.muted = true; } } unmute() { const self = this; if (!self.player) { return; } if (self.type === 'youtube' && self.player.mute) { self.player.unMute(); } if (self.type === 'vimeo' && self.player.setVolume) { // In case the default volume is 0, we have to set 100 when unmute. self.setVolume(self.options.volume || 100); } if (self.type === 'local') { self.$video.muted = false; } } setVolume(volume = false) { const self = this; if (!self.player || typeof volume !== 'number') { return; } if (self.type === 'youtube' && self.player.setVolume) { self.player.setVolume(volume); } if (self.type === 'vimeo' && self.player.setVolume) { self.player.setVolume(volume / 100); } if (self.type === 'local') { self.$video.volume = volume / 100; } } getVolume(callback) { const self = this; if (!self.player) { callback(false); return; } if (self.type === 'youtube' && self.player.getVolume) { callback(self.player.getVolume()); } if (self.type === 'vimeo' && self.player.getVolume) { self.player.getVolume().then(volume => { callback(volume * 100); }); } if (self.type === 'local') { callback(self.$video.volume * 100); } } getMuted(callback) { const self = this; if (!self.player) { callback(null); return; } if (self.type === 'youtube' && self.player.isMuted) { callback(self.player.isMuted()); } if (self.type === 'vimeo' && self.player.getVolume) { self.player.getVolume().then(volume => { callback(!!volume); }); } if (self.type === 'local') { callback(self.$video.muted); } } getImageURL(callback) { const self = this; if (self.videoImage) { callback(self.videoImage); return; } if (self.type === 'youtube') { const availableSizes = ['maxresdefault', 'sddefault', 'hqdefault', '0']; let step = 0; const tempImg = new Image(); tempImg.onload = function () { // if no thumbnail, youtube add their own image with width = 120px if ((this.naturalWidth || this.width) !== 120 || step === availableSizes.length - 1) { // ok self.videoImage = `https://img.youtube.com/vi/${self.videoID}/${availableSizes[step]}.jpg`; callback(self.videoImage); } else { // try another size step += 1; this.src = `https://img.youtube.com/vi/${self.videoID}/${availableSizes[step]}.jpg`; } }; tempImg.src = `https://img.youtube.com/vi/${self.videoID}/${availableSizes[step]}.jpg`; } if (self.type === 'vimeo') { // We should provide width to get HQ thumbnail URL. let width = global$1.innerWidth || 1920; if (global$1.devicePixelRatio) { width *= global$1.devicePixelRatio; } width = Math.min(width, 1920); let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); // https://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=https://vimeo.com/235212527 request.open('GET', `https://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=${self.url}&width=${width}`, true); request.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState === 4) { if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400) { // Success! const response = JSON.parse(this.responseText); if (response.thumbnail_url) { self.videoImage = response.thumbnail_url; callback(self.videoImage); } } } }; request.send(); request = null; } } // fallback to the old version. getIframe(callback) { this.getVideo(callback); } getVideo(callback) { const self = this; // return generated video block if (self.$video) { callback(self.$video); return; } // generate new video block self.onAPIready(() => { let hiddenDiv; if (!self.$video) { hiddenDiv = document.createElement('div'); hiddenDiv.style.display = 'none'; } // Youtube if (self.type === 'youtube') { self.playerOptions = { // GDPR Compliance. host: 'https://www.youtube-nocookie.com', videoId: self.videoID, playerVars: { autohide: 1, rel: 0, autoplay: 0, // autoplay enable on mobile devices playsinline: 1 } }; // hide controls if (!self.options.showControls) { self.playerOptions.playerVars.iv_load_policy = 3; self.playerOptions.playerVars.modestbranding = 1; self.playerOptions.playerVars.controls = 0; self.playerOptions.playerVars.showinfo = 0; self.playerOptions.playerVars.disablekb = 1; } // events let ytStarted; let ytProgressInterval; self.playerOptions.events = { onReady(e) { // mute if (self.options.mute) { e.target.mute(); } else if (typeof self.options.volume === 'number') { e.target.setVolume(self.options.volume); } // autoplay if (self.options.autoplay) { self.play(self.options.startTime); } self.fire('ready', e); // For seamless loops, set the endTime to 0.1 seconds less than the video's duration // https://github.com/nk-o/video-worker/issues/2 if (self.options.loop && !self.options.endTime) { const secondsOffset = 0.1; self.options.endTime = self.player.getDuration() - secondsOffset; } // volumechange setInterval(() => { self.getVolume(volume => { if (self.options.volume !== volume) { self.options.volume = volume; self.fire('volumechange', e); } }); }, 150); }, onStateChange(e) { // loop if (self.options.loop && e.data === global$1.YT.PlayerState.ENDED) { self.play(self.options.startTime); } if (!ytStarted && e.data === global$1.YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) { ytStarted = 1; self.fire('started', e); } if (e.data === global$1.YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) { self.fire('play', e); } if (e.data === global$1.YT.PlayerState.PAUSED) { self.fire('pause', e); } if (e.data === global$1.YT.PlayerState.ENDED) { self.fire('ended', e); } // progress check if (e.data === global$1.YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) { ytProgressInterval = setInterval(() => { self.fire('timeupdate', e); // check for end of video and play again or stop if (self.options.endTime && self.player.getCurrentTime() >= self.options.endTime) { if (self.options.loop) { self.play(self.options.startTime); } else { self.pause(); } } }, 150); } else { clearInterval(ytProgressInterval); } }, onError(e) { self.fire('error', e); } }; const firstInit = !self.$video; if (firstInit) { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute('id', self.playerID); hiddenDiv.appendChild(div); document.body.appendChild(hiddenDiv); } self.player = self.player || new global$1.YT.Player(self.playerID, self.playerOptions); if (firstInit) { self.$video = document.getElementById(self.playerID); // add accessibility attributes if (self.options.accessibilityHidden) { self.$video.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); self.$video.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); } // get video width and height self.videoWidth = parseInt(self.$video.getAttribute('width'), 10) || 1280; self.videoHeight = parseInt(self.$video.getAttribute('height'), 10) || 720; } } // Vimeo if (self.type === 'vimeo') { self.playerOptions = { // GDPR Compliance. dnt: 1, id: self.videoID, autopause: 0, transparent: 0, autoplay: self.options.autoplay ? 1 : 0, loop: self.options.loop ? 1 : 0, muted: self.options.mute || self.options.volume === 0 ? 1 : 0 }; // hide controls if (!self.options.showControls) { self.playerOptions.controls = 0; } // enable background option if (!self.options.showControls && self.options.loop && self.options.autoplay) { self.playerOptions.background = 1; } if (!self.$video) { let playerOptionsString = ''; Object.keys(self.playerOptions).forEach(key => { if (playerOptionsString !== '') { playerOptionsString += '&'; } playerOptionsString += `${key}=${encodeURIComponent(self.playerOptions[key])}`; }); // we need to create iframe manually because when we create it using API // js events won't triggers after iframe moved to another place self.$video = document.createElement('iframe'); self.$video.setAttribute('id', self.playerID); self.$video.setAttribute('src', `https://player.vimeo.com/video/${self.videoID}?${playerOptionsString}`); self.$video.setAttribute('frameborder', '0'); self.$video.setAttribute('mozallowfullscreen', ''); self.$video.setAttribute('allowfullscreen', ''); self.$video.setAttribute('title', 'Vimeo video player'); // add accessibility attributes if (self.options.accessibilityHidden) { self.$video.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); self.$video.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); } hiddenDiv.appendChild(self.$video); document.body.appendChild(hiddenDiv); } self.player = self.player || new global$1.Vimeo.Player(self.$video, self.playerOptions); // Since Vimeo removed the `volume` parameter, we have to set it manually. if (!self.options.mute && typeof self.options.volume === 'number') { self.setVolume(self.options.volume); } // set current time for autoplay if (self.options.startTime && self.options.autoplay) { self.player.setCurrentTime(self.options.startTime); } // get video width and height self.player.getVideoWidth().then(width => { self.videoWidth = width || 1280; }); self.player.getVideoHeight().then(height => { self.videoHeight = height || 720; }); // events let vmStarted; self.player.on('timeupdate', e => { if (!vmStarted) { self.fire('started', e); vmStarted = 1; } self.fire('timeupdate', e); // check for end of video and play again or stop if (self.options.endTime) { if (self.options.endTime && e.seconds >= self.options.endTime) { if (self.options.loop) { self.play(self.options.startTime); } else { self.pause(); } } } }); self.player.on('play', e => { self.fire('play', e); // check for the start time and start with it if (self.options.startTime && e.seconds === 0) { self.play(self.options.startTime); } }); self.player.on('pause', e => { self.fire('pause', e); }); self.player.on('ended', e => { self.fire('ended', e); }); self.player.on('loaded', e => { self.fire('ready', e); }); self.player.on('volumechange', e => { self.getVolume(volume => { self.options.volume = volume; }); self.fire('volumechange', e); }); self.player.on('error', e => { self.fire('error', e); }); } // Local function addSourceToLocal(element, src, type) { const source = document.createElement('source'); source.src = src; source.type = type; element.appendChild(source); } if (self.type === 'local') { if (!self.$video) { self.$video = document.createElement('video'); self.player = self.$video; // show controls if (self.options.showControls) { self.$video.controls = true; } // set volume if (typeof self.options.volume === 'number') { self.setVolume(self.options.volume); } // mute (it is required to mute after the volume set) if (self.options.mute) { self.mute(); } // loop if (self.options.loop) { self.$video.loop = true; } // autoplay enable on mobile devices self.$video.setAttribute('playsinline', ''); self.$video.setAttribute('webkit-playsinline', ''); // add accessibility attributes if (self.options.accessibilityHidden) { self.$video.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); self.$video.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); } self.$video.setAttribute('id', self.playerID); hiddenDiv.appendChild(self.$video); document.body.appendChild(hiddenDiv); Object.keys(self.videoID).forEach(key => { addSourceToLocal(self.$video, self.videoID[key], `video/${key}`); }); } let locStarted; self.player.addEventListener('playing', e => { if (!locStarted) { self.fire('started', e); } locStarted = 1; }); self.player.addEventListener('timeupdate', function (e) { self.fire('timeupdate', e); // check for end of video and play again or stop if (self.options.endTime) { if (self.options.endTime && this.currentTime >= self.options.endTime) { if (self.options.loop) { self.play(self.options.startTime); } else { self.pause(); } } } }); self.player.addEventListener('play', e => { self.fire('play', e); }); self.player.addEventListener('pause', e => { self.fire('pause', e); }); self.player.addEventListener('ended', e => { self.fire('ended', e); }); self.player.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function () { // get video width and height self.videoWidth = this.videoWidth || 1280; self.videoHeight = this.videoHeight || 720; self.fire('ready'); // autoplay if (self.options.autoplay) { self.play(self.options.startTime); } }); self.player.addEventListener('volumechange', e => { self.getVolume(volume => { self.options.volume = volume; }); self.fire('volumechange', e); }); self.player.addEventListener('error', e => { self.fire('error', e); }); } callback(self.$video); }); } init() { const self = this; self.playerID = `VideoWorker-${self.ID}`; } loadAPI() { const self = this; if (YoutubeAPIadded && VimeoAPIadded) { return; } let src = ''; // load Youtube API if (self.type === 'youtube' && !YoutubeAPIadded) { YoutubeAPIadded = 1; src = 'https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api'; } // load Vimeo API if (self.type === 'vimeo' && !VimeoAPIadded) { VimeoAPIadded = 1; // Useful when Vimeo API added using RequireJS https://github.com/nk-o/video-worker/pull/7 if (typeof global$1.Vimeo !== 'undefined') { return; } src = 'https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js'; } if (!src) { return; } // add script in head section let tag = document.createElement('script'); let head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; tag.src = src; head.appendChild(tag); head = null; tag = null; } onAPIready(callback) { const self = this; // Youtube if (self.type === 'youtube') { // Listen for global YT player callback if ((typeof global$1.YT === 'undefined' || global$1.YT.loaded === 0) && !loadingYoutubePlayer) { // Prevents Ready event from being called twice loadingYoutubePlayer = 1; // Creates deferred so, other players know when to wait. global$1.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function () { global$1.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = null; loadingYoutubeDefer.resolve('done'); callback(); }; } else if (typeof global$1.YT === 'object' && global$1.YT.loaded === 1) { callback(); } else { loadingYoutubeDefer.done(() => { callback(); }); } } // Vimeo if (self.type === 'vimeo') { if (typeof global$1.Vimeo === 'undefined' && !loadingVimeoPlayer) { loadingVimeoPlayer = 1; const vimeoInterval = setInterval(() => { if (typeof global$1.Vimeo !== 'undefined') { clearInterval(vimeoInterval); loadingVimeoDefer.resolve('done'); callback(); } }, 20); } else if (typeof global$1.Vimeo !== 'undefined') { callback(); } else { loadingVimeoDefer.done(() => { callback(); }); } } // Local if (self.type === 'local') { callback(); } } } function jarallaxVideo$1(jarallax = global$2.jarallax) { if (typeof jarallax === 'undefined') { return; } const Jarallax = jarallax.constructor; // append video after when block will be visible. const defOnScroll = Jarallax.prototype.onScroll; Jarallax.prototype.onScroll = function () { const self = this; defOnScroll.apply(self); const isReady = !self.isVideoInserted && self.video && (!self.options.videoLazyLoading || self.isElementInViewport) && !self.options.disableVideo(); if (isReady) { self.isVideoInserted = true; self.video.getVideo(video => { const $parent = video.parentNode; self.css(video, { position: self.image.position, top: '0px', left: '0px', right: '0px', bottom: '0px', width: '100%', height: '100%', maxWidth: 'none', maxHeight: 'none', pointerEvents: 'none', transformStyle: 'preserve-3d', backfaceVisibility: 'hidden', margin: 0, zIndex: -1 }); self.$video = video; // add Poster attribute to self-hosted video if (self.video.type === 'local') { if (self.image.src) { self.$video.setAttribute('poster', self.image.src); } else if (self.image.$item && self.image.$item.tagName === 'IMG' && self.image.$item.src) { self.$video.setAttribute('poster', self.image.$item.src); } } // add classname to video element if (self.options.videoClass) { self.$video.setAttribute('class', `${self.options.videoClass} ${self.options.videoClass}-${self.video.type}`); } // insert video tag self.image.$container.appendChild(video); // remove parent video element (created by VideoWorker) $parent.parentNode.removeChild($parent); // call onVideoInsert event if (self.options.onVideoInsert) { self.options.onVideoInsert.call(self); } }); } }; // cover video const defCoverImage = Jarallax.prototype.coverImage; Jarallax.prototype.coverImage = function () { const self = this; const imageData = defCoverImage.apply(self); const node = self.image.$item ? self.image.$item.nodeName : false; if (imageData && self.video && node && (node === 'IFRAME' || node === 'VIDEO')) { let h = imageData.image.height; let w = h * self.image.width / self.image.height; let ml = (imageData.container.width - w) / 2; let mt = imageData.image.marginTop; if (imageData.container.width > w) { w = imageData.container.width; h = w * self.image.height / self.image.width; ml = 0; mt += (imageData.image.height - h) / 2; } // add video height over than need to hide controls if (node === 'IFRAME') { h += 400; mt -= 200; } self.css(self.$video, { width: `${w}px`, marginLeft: `${ml}px`, height: `${h}px`, marginTop: `${mt}px` }); } return imageData; }; // init video const defInitImg = Jarallax.prototype.initImg; Jarallax.prototype.initImg = function () { const self = this; const defaultResult = defInitImg.apply(self); if (!self.options.videoSrc) { self.options.videoSrc = self.$item.getAttribute('data-jarallax-video') || null; } if (self.options.videoSrc) { self.defaultInitImgResult = defaultResult; return true; } return defaultResult; }; const defCanInitParallax = Jarallax.prototype.canInitParallax; Jarallax.prototype.canInitParallax = function () { const self = this; let defaultResult = defCanInitParallax.apply(self); if (!self.options.videoSrc) { return defaultResult; } // Init video api const video = new VideoWorker(self.options.videoSrc, { autoplay: true, loop: self.options.videoLoop, showControls: false, accessibilityHidden: true, startTime: self.options.videoStartTime || 0, endTime: self.options.videoEndTime || 0, mute: !self.options.videoVolume, volume: self.options.videoVolume || 0 }); // call onVideoWorkerInit event if (self.options.onVideoWorkerInit) { self.options.onVideoWorkerInit.call(self, video); } function resetDefaultImage() { if (self.image.$default_item) { self.image.$item = self.image.$default_item; self.image.$item.style.display = 'block'; // set image width and height self.coverImage(); self.onScroll(); } } if (video.isValid()) { // Force enable parallax. // When the parallax disabled on mobile devices, we still need to display videos. // https://github.com/nk-o/jarallax/issues/159 if (this.options.disableParallax()) { defaultResult = true; self.image.position = 'absolute'; self.options.type = 'scroll'; self.options.speed = 1; } // if parallax will not be inited, we can add thumbnail on background. if (!defaultResult) { if (!self.defaultInitImgResult) { video.getImageURL(url => { // save default user styles const curStyle = self.$item.getAttribute('style'); if (curStyle) { self.$item.setAttribute('data-jarallax-original-styles', curStyle); } // set new background self.css(self.$item, { 'background-image': `url("${url}")`, 'background-position': 'center', 'background-size': 'cover' }); }); } // init video } else { video.on('ready', () => { if (self.options.videoPlayOnlyVisible) { const oldOnScroll = self.onScroll; self.onScroll = function () { oldOnScroll.apply(self); if (!self.videoError && (self.options.videoLoop || !self.options.videoLoop && !self.videoEnded)) { if (self.isVisible()) { video.play(); } else { video.pause(); } } }; } else { video.play(); } }); video.on('started', () => { self.image.$default_item = self.image.$item; self.image.$item = self.$video; // set video width and height self.image.width = self.video.videoWidth || 1280; self.image.height = self.video.videoHeight || 720; self.coverImage(); self.onScroll(); // hide image if (self.image.$default_item) { self.image.$default_item.style.display = 'none'; } }); video.on('ended', () => { self.videoEnded = true; if (!self.options.videoLoop) { // show default image if Loop disabled. resetDefaultImage(); } }); video.on('error', () => { self.videoError = true; // show default image if video loading error. resetDefaultImage(); }); self.video = video; // set image if not exists if (!self.defaultInitImgResult) { // set empty image on self-hosted video if not defined self.image.src = ''; if (video.type !== 'local') { video.getImageURL(url => { self.image.bgImage = `url("${url}")`; self.init(); }); return false; } } } } return defaultResult; }; // Destroy video parallax const defDestroy = Jarallax.prototype.destroy; Jarallax.prototype.destroy = function () { const self = this; if (self.image.$default_item) { self.image.$item = self.image.$default_item; delete self.image.$default_item; } defDestroy.apply(self); }; } function jarallaxElement$1(jarallax = global$2.jarallax) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn("Jarallax Element extension is DEPRECATED, please, avoid using it. We recommend you look at something like `lax.js` library . It is much more powerful and has a less code (in cases when you don't want to add parallax backgrounds)."); if (typeof jarallax === 'undefined') { return; } const Jarallax = jarallax.constructor; // redefine default methods ['initImg', 'canInitParallax', 'init', 'destroy', 'coverImage', 'isVisible', 'onScroll', 'onResize'].forEach(key => { const def = Jarallax.prototype[key]; Jarallax.prototype[key] = function (...args) { const self = this; if (key === 'initImg' && self.$item.getAttribute('data-jarallax-element') !== null) { self.options.type = 'element'; self.pureOptions.speed = self.$item.getAttribute('data-jarallax-element') || '100'; } if (self.options.type !== 'element') { return def.apply(self, args); } self.pureOptions.threshold = self.$item.getAttribute('data-threshold') || ''; switch (key) { case 'init': { const speedArr = `${self.pureOptions.speed}`.split(' '); self.options.speed = self.pureOptions.speed || 0; self.options.speedY = speedArr[0] ? parseFloat(speedArr[0]) : 0; self.options.speedX = speedArr[1] ? parseFloat(speedArr[1]) : 0; const thresholdArr = self.pureOptions.threshold.split(' '); self.options.thresholdY = thresholdArr[0] ? parseFloat(thresholdArr[0]) : null; self.options.thresholdX = thresholdArr[1] ? parseFloat(thresholdArr[1]) : null; def.apply(self, args); // restore background image if available. const originalStylesTag = self.$item.getAttribute('data-jarallax-original-styles'); if (originalStylesTag) { self.$item.setAttribute('style', originalStylesTag); } return true; } case 'onResize': { const defTransform = self.css(self.$item, 'transform'); self.css(self.$item, { transform: '' }); const rect = self.$item.getBoundingClientRect(); self.itemData = { width: rect.width, height: rect.height, y: rect.top + self.getWindowData().y, x: rect.left }; self.css(self.$item, { transform: defTransform }); break; } case 'onScroll': { const wnd = self.getWindowData(); const centerPercent = (wnd.y + wnd.height / 2 - self.itemData.y - self.itemData.height / 2) / (wnd.height / 2); const moveY = centerPercent * self.options.speedY; const moveX = centerPercent * self.options.speedX; let my = moveY; let mx = moveX; if (self.options.thresholdY !== null && moveY > self.options.thresholdY) my = 0; if (self.options.thresholdX !== null && moveX > self.options.thresholdX) mx = 0; self.css(self.$item, { transform: `translate3d(${mx}px,${my}px,0)` }); break; } case 'initImg': case 'isVisible': case 'coverImage': return true; // no default } return def.apply(self, args); }; }); } const jarallax = jarallax$1; const jarallaxVideo = function jarallaxVideo() { return jarallaxVideo$1(jarallax); }; const jarallaxElement = function jarallaxElement() { return jarallaxElement$1(jarallax); }; exports.jarallax = jarallax; exports.jarallaxElement = jarallaxElement; exports.jarallaxVideo = jarallaxVideo; //# sourceMappingURL=jarallax.cjs.map